本周VMware发布了ESXi 7.0 Update 1c更新,查看Release notes,发现有一段比较有意思.
With ESXi 7.0 Update 1c, you can use the installer boot option systemMediaSize
to limit the size of system storage partitions on the boot media. If your system has a small footprint that does not require the maximum 138 GB system-storage size, you can limit it to the minimum of 33 GB. The systemMediaSize
parameter accepts the following values:
- min (33 GB, for single disk or embedded servers)
- small (69 GB, for servers with at least 512 GB RAM)
- default (138 GB)
- max (consume all available space, for multi-terabyte servers)
The selected value must fit the purpose of your system. For example, a system with 1TB of memory must use the minimum of 69 GB for system storage. To set the boot option at install time, for example systemMediaSize=small
, refer to Enter Boot Options to Start an Installation or Upgrade Script. For more information, see VMware knowledge base article 81166.
对于这个启动选项,我的理解是之前ESXi 7.0默认最大会占用138GB左右硬盘,就是上文中提到的default(其中包括BOOTBANK1, BOOTBANK2, 还有OSDATA, 当硬盘为HDD时,OSDATA不会被当作虚拟闪存使用,此时OSDATA类型为VMFS-L. 当硬盘为SSD时,OSDATA会被同时当作虚拟闪存,此时OSDATA类型为VFFS.) 之前写过我们可以通过设置autoPartitionOSDataSize来调整OSDATA的大小. https://virtualtips.info/?p=42 ,但该方法并非官方提供的解决方案.
此次systemMediaSize参数可以理解官方为此提供了几种预设值(min, small, default, max). 我们可以在安装启动前Shift+O来加上参数systemMediaSize=min,或者在安装介质的boot.cfg文件中的kernelopt=runweasel这行后面加上诸如systemMediaSize=min的参数,让此安装程序自动设置参数.
kernelopt=runweasel systemMediaSize=min